Energetic air (NAI) is found in high concentrations and in good ratios near the seashore. Soft and gentle onshore winds, and near crashing waves (surfing!) provide some of the best lokas (locations) to experience high quality energetic air. My favorite seaside site is Natural Bridges State Beach, home to the wintering Monarch Butterfly.
Air contains approximately 27×10 to the 18th molecules per c/c.
Active NAI (negative air ions) equals (at the most) one in 27 trillion molecules!
We breathe aprox. 10,000 liters of air per 24 hrs. Even so, How could this tiny electrical energy possibly create any effect within us? It appears more potent than any drug, vitamin or nutrient. Possible explanations are beginning to appear and I will share these with you in future my future blogs.
Have a happy and joyful New Year!
Paul aka Prem Das